We have several solutions available to meet your every need. Take a quick look at our products:

Society - the ultimate client/customer tracking database. Society is excellent for maintaining company and people information. Society includes a variety of reports for letters, labels, addressing envelopes, etc. By far our most popular database solution because there is always a need to better track people and work with a variety of reports, forms, mailings, etc.

Opedia - our serialized documentation publisher with intelligent composition. Excellent for documents that are reissued often, such as catalogs, glossaries, command lists, inventories, and project reporting documents.

Intellic - a completely new paradigm for the product documentation development and publishing tasks within companies. This is our most comprehensive database solution because it helps you rethink the way you author, maintain, and publish product documentation like user guides, technical descriptions, maintenance documents, etc. Intellic helps you publish various designs of the same information such as by product and by function, custom documents for larger customers, quickly republish documents that undergo significant change, and track changes to your library. Also, Intellic is designed to significantly reduce the cost associated with publishing in many languages. Intellic includes the functionality in Opedia.

Locate - Serialized records information for organizations involved in call tasks, cases, help desk, action items, assignments, etc.

Informer - An excellent resource management database for maintaining assignments, budgets, actuals, hours, expenses, etc. kinds of information. Informer includes the functionality of Society, our client/customer tracking database solution. Informer comes with weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports and can range reports over any period like 6 weeks, 2 months, etc. The working unit of data is the day, 1/2 day. or hours.

Trace - A high-quality inventory database for maintaining records such as hardware/software employee records/allocations or employee stock records. Works with any kind of inventory and has excellent reporting. Dovetails nicely with our Locate product.

Overview - A classic project management database for executive and other high-level project tracking. Overview uses a unique stop light metaphor for graphically indicating project status. Standard package includes tracking for up to 10 milestones.

Subscribe - A subscription management database for maintaining a subscription service on a variety of documents and periodicals categorized for distribution.

Educate - A training database to track students, instructors, equipment, rooms and courses. Educate is a complete training solution for organizations that run training facilities. The reports are especially nice because you can print class rosters, student training records, reservation confirmations, instructor or classroom utilization reports, name badges, student tents, student evaluations and more.

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